Finding Your Why, The Key to Success | ExpertsNG


Over time it has become evident that the secret to success is simply “finding your why.” The principle is rooted in a legitimate consideration: individuals tend to be persuaded by their reasons for doing something, and need that intrinsic motivation. In a personal development or business sense, this “why” stands for a sense of purpose. It’s more like a journey to self-discovery, personal fulfilment, clarity, and deeper meaning to life.

All of these may feel abstract, but those who initiated it have one thing right: finding your ‘why’ matters, because it leads to a greater sense of purpose in your work and in your business which can have significant effects on your sales, the lives of your customers and prospects, and within your personal life. However, for most people, the pressure on finding their “why” can be daunting, and it can be hard for them to connect within their work and other life endeavors as a result. It does not have to be like that. So, here’s what “finding your why” might really mean. 


Finding Your WHY Helps to Drive You by What You Are Doing Beyond the Short Term 

For some entrepreneurs, they start a business because they had an idea and thought that it would help them make quick money, so they end up investing their work for short-term ROI. And for others, they are continuing at the pace their businesses have been moving at because it feels comfortable for now and gets the bills paid.

 However, when it comes to pursuing the “why,” it becomes dangerous to think only “for now.” In the absence of a “why” for whatever you are doing, it’s impossible to think long term because it feels discouraging to do so. You are short-term oriented if you are not rooted in your purpose. 

When you think of what you are presently doing, do you imagine keeping up with the work years into the future? Does it excite you? Take charge of your overall long-term plan and how it integrates with what you are doing now or what you want to do. Your “why” can not only be to achieve fame, money, or success. It needs to be something more sustainable.


In the wise words of Jim Carrey in a commencement speech address, “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.” Beyond the volume of wealth, you have or the number of followers you have, you need something that would keep your flame going for decades.

Your WHY is Genuinely Believing That What You Are Doing Can Help Others

There is no “why” better than serving others. As a matter of fact, humans are hardwired to want to serve others: believing that we have something of great value to give makes us feel a great sense of belonging. You will find unending satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment in giving out something of great value to others rather than just succeeding for your own personal benefits. This also means connecting to what it is that you are doing and help people with it, in many cases, it can be selling valuable products that can help them. Erik Fisher once said that a top component of success is in mindset, and mindset is composed by understanding your “why” for what you are selling. 

This can be narrowed down to what it is that you are presently doing or selling. Finding your “why” does not necessarily mean finding your one, all-encompassing life’s purpose that you will do forever. Sometimes, it just means infusing some understanding and connection to what you are doing right now. “If you are selling a course or a product, connect to WHY you believe a customer or prospect should buy. What benefits will they get from it? How would it change their lives or impact positively on some aspect of it?” Becoming motivated by this pattern of helping others will lead to more sales success – and more happiness in your life while you are at it.

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Finding Your WHY Can Be Your Light Up Whenever You Work

This sounds cheap, but there’s also an element of ‘lighting up’ when you do something that is connected to your “why.” You may discover many purposes throughout your life, rather than a single ‘calling’ that you must find in order to achieve absolute fulfilment and happiness. As business owners, we will always have menial tasks we want to keep aside, and we will always hit ruts. It’s normal. But if we can find some thread of passion or “why” within it, it will become easy going for us.

Ultimately, finding your “why” is more like finding your rocket fuel to keep you going when the entrepreneurship journey gets daunting. Whether that is finding purpose within one client relationship, one task, or one very great morning of deep focus at work, your “why” will always be within reach—and should be prioritized in big and small ways.


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