How to Identify the Root Causes of Churn & How to Fix Them

How to Identify the Root Causes of Churn & How to Fix Them

Churn is a phenomenon that many companies deal with. It’s when customers leave your business, usually due to needing to receive the value they were promised, and it can be extremely costly. A churn event is when one or more customers acquire a new product from your company and leaves within three months for any reason.

Churn is a problem many companies deal with. It’s when customers leave your business, usually due to needing to receive the value they were promised, and it can be extremely costly.


How To Identify The Root Causes Of Churn

1. Look at customer segments.

You first want to look at customer segments to determine whether segment and churn correlate. If a segment has a higher churn rate than another, look for the why’s behind it. Understanding the cause of their churn will allow you to find patterns and fix them.

2. Look at contract length and product features.

Regarding fixed contract length, we will typically see the most extended contract lengths when customers are searching for a new solution. However, if you look at churn rates and deal with customers on a month-to-month plan, you will typically find the average is much lower.

3. Look at bundled products.

If your company offers a bundle of products, it is essential to understand how customers use them. Determining how people use the bundle and what they think about their experience will help you find trends in your customer base, especially regarding churning.

4. Identify customers’ pain points and unmet needs.

Finding the root cause of churn can be trying in certain situations. However, if you identify your customer’s pain points and unmet needs, you can use the data to determine how they feel about their experience and whether they are willing to stay with your company.

5. Look at your product and customer satisfaction.

Understanding what your product or service does for customers will give you a better understanding of how satisfied they are with it. If you find that customers think your product doesn’t work as well as it should or is too expensive, then it’s essential to understand why so that you can fix the issue.

How To Fix The Root Causes Of Churn

1. Fix all your customer service issues.

It’s essential to make sure all customer service issues are resolved or are being resolved. Avoiding a customer service issue that you can see coming can be an excellent way to solve it before it becomes an issue for you and your company. It will help you address customer issues so that they stay with your company and continue to reap the value of your product.

2. Diversify your customer base and service offerings.

When you find the root cause for what is causing churn, it can be crucial to find out how your competitors are addressing it. If a customer leaves because of an issue or pain point and you can see that other companies are addressing it, then you can work on getting rid of the issues they are having. It will keep customers at your company, where they can solve their issues and other problems they might experience while with you.

3. Reduce prices on services or products.

If you find that customers are unhappy with your product or service or feel that it is too expensive, then it’s important to offer them a solution to their problem. If you can lower the price of your product or service without losing quality, then it’s important to do so.

4. Improve the value of existing products.

If customers need specific things from your company, like a subscription-based service, for example, and they need to get the value they were expecting, they will start looking elsewhere. If you can improve what your company is providing and make sure that you are offering the best value possible, then customers will stay with you and continue with the products and services offered by your company. Implementing a mystery shopping process can provide you with an in depth view of your customer’s journey.


It’s important to know the root cause of churn within your company. If you aren’t aware of why customers leave, you won’t be able to address it and keep customers from leaving. Finding out why customers are leaving and focusing on fixing it will help you retain customers and work towards reducing your churn rate.


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